Monday, February 23, 2009

Color Inspiration

I know my wedding colors aren't the most common. I do however really like the combination. In my random internet searches I came across Idee multicolor search lab Flickr set. It's a site that will take up to 10 colors search the extensive range of pictures people have up loaded to flickr that fit your chosen colors profile and puts them together. I think it's a really cool idea and a quick way to see how your favorite colors fit together.

I'm a sucker for a suit

I love suits, I love ties, I love jackets, and I especially love cufflinks. I know I shouldn't be jealous that men get to wear them when I have a much large list of things I can adorn myself with. I just love Men's fashion. Which is why I really love the show Mad Men from AMC. I know I'm a couple of decades to late but the styles on that show are just so fabulous. I came across this amazing interview with the Janie Bryant, the costume designer behind the show. The featured Plaidy of the Week on all plaid out. It is a great interview and gave me some inspiration for Eric. Monogramed cuff links. I'm not sure where I'll get them yet but this quick google search landed me these puppies. I'll keep on the hunt for a good deal and maybe add them to his growing collection of cuff links.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009



I am so excited. Last week I entered a contest for dancing lessons from the Fred Astaire Dance Studios. I got a call yesterday saying I won! So Eric and I are going next Tuesday for our first lesson. Now I don't think anyone can turn me into a Ginger Roger's, but I think it will be a lot of fun. It will also make sure that I know a thing or two for Eric and I's first dance at our wedding.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's day

Happy Valentine's Day. I'm not a huge fan of this holiday but I always look forward to hanging out with my sweetie. This Saturday we are going to stay inside, after a trip to Whole Foods, cook dinner, drink some wine, and enjoy each others company. It's our last Valentine's day before our wedding so we want to keep it low key and special. During the week we are usually so busy with work/school/in-transit we don't get to spend proper time together. I'm hungry now so I wonder what will inspire us at Whole Foods today.

Friday, February 13, 2009

I've been Tagged.

Lauren from Vintage Victuals has tagged me, hopefully I can think of 7 random things about myself.

1. I have a shoe problem.. I love interesting and unique shoes. I wear a different pair everyday.
2. My Mom is the person that told me I should be an interior designer. I was a graphics design major. She thought I had such great ideas about designing homes that I should do that instead. Thanks Mom.
3. I love the smell of coffee but drink it rarely and only cold.
4. I think people shouldn't take themselves so seriously.
5. I was born almost 2 months early. I always wonder if that is why I am so short. (I know its not but I need something to blame besides genetics.)
6. I love buying Men's clothing, lucky for Eric. Lucky for me he likes to buy me clothes so we even out.
7. I can't wait for my wedding in August. I am excited. It also happens to be my Brother's 30th birthday so I want to do something cool for him too.

NY Feet -an amazing photographer and friend. Her skills are amazing!
The Story of my life- Erica's a fellow Ga knottie, who's got some good cooking skills and some great ideas
To Newlywedism and Beyond...- as a new D40 owner I had to tag her. I love mine. Not to mention a fellow tie addict. :)
Missy in Pink- as a fan of shopping, champagne and decorating. She's got great style.
Deals, Steals and Heels- a woman of great ideas, and great finds. She always knows where to get a good deal.

And I'm out of ideas for people to tag who haven't been tagged yet.

Something To DIY in the future...

I love this idea instead of place cards. I hope once I get a list of guests that are going to attend Eric's and I's shindig. That I can make one of these with the same fonts and designs that I have created for my wedding invitations, programs, menus etc. But if you don't have the time, or the energy to expend on such a undertaking. I think Documents and Designs offer beautiful things.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

So-o Cute!


I love cute and fuzzy animals. I get teary eyed when I see them. In my random internet readings I came across these images and had to share them. If I came home to being invaded by koala's I would just loose it. I think they are so cute. I can't wait to go to Australia, and when I go you better believe seeing one in person is on my list!
Side Note: I don't think this is normal Koala behavior. There is a major heatwave going on in Australia currently.

Friday, February 6, 2009


Design Sponge - great ideas and inspiration. I love good ideas and when I found this blog. I just wanted to share the love.

Monday, February 2, 2009


So on my wedding day I am currently planning on wearing a pair of drop crystal earrings and a bracelet. I am still looking for the bracelet but found this one today from 1928. I think it would be really pretty. I think many things on their website would be great wedding day jewelry.