Monday, February 8, 2010

A new room.


This weekend I decided to finally take a chance. To remake our bedroom furniture.  I made a list of the things I needed, sand paper, primer, paint, polycrylic sealer, plastic tarps, brushes and finally new hardware.  I made my way to Home Depot in search of all those things.  I ended up finding everything I needed and headed home to begin my Friday night.  I figured I would start with my nightstand and if I absolutely failed. It wouldn't be the end of the world. So after some moving and shifting around of my dining room. I set to work.  Sand, vacuum, prime, wait, paint, wait to dry, second coat, wait, polycrylic sealer, wait, second coat of the sealer and wait. My weekend was filled with a lot of work and a lot of downtime waiting. But my patience paid off. Saturday morning I awoke to a very lovely nightstand. So I began to work on our dresser and our headboard. This is the only picture I took this while my living/dining room was covered in drawers. (excuse the terrible picture it was from my phone.) So by Tuesday everything should be back in our bedroom and our house will be back in order and we will have 'new' furniture.

Before and after pictures of my nightstand and pictures of my finished room to come. :)

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