Thursday, April 15, 2010

Life is awesome lately.

Things are finally all coming together for a lot of people I care about. Eric and I are moving to the city. We will finally be back living in an area where things are happening. Currently we live in a very small community where the biggest thing that's happening is the traffic light in front of Wal-mart. We will be closer to our friends, closer to our families. I am so excited.
Today sealed the deal on something I've been hoping for and waiting for. My Brother -in-law, who I am really close to, got into the law school that he wanted! CONGRATULATIONS! Meaning he is also moving to the city! It will be like old times, but better, we lived next to each other during college and it was a lot of fun.
My friend Jill has also had some great changes She's now dating my Brother-in Law, and I have never seen either one of them happier. :) It is really awesome to see people you care about so happy. As happy, I hope, as I am with Eric. She's also trying to get in to Gradschool and is waiting on her YES. I know she'll get in. She's to fantastic not to.
Another friend who has been looking for a job also just found a new one. I am so excited for her. She'll also be working nearby so hooray for lunch dates.

So here's to an awesome Summer! Time to create new memories with great friends and enjoy the living in a big city!

I only have one last thing I'm waiting make this a perfect deal. Here's hoping I find out about that soon. :)

1 comment:

Jill said...

Yay, life is good! You rock!