Friday, April 24, 2009

Goodbye to being single.

This weekend is one of my dearest friends,fellow bride, and last but not least bridesmaid's bachelorette party! The festivities begin this Saturday afternoon. I am so excited! I can not wait to celebrate. We are going to have so much fun. We will have a few drinks and it will be like old times in college when we went to Georgia games all dressed up and had so much fun. *Side note it's traditional for UGA students to dress nice for came days. Polos and dress pants for guys and cute dresses for girls* I can not wait for this weekend!


Deals, Steals and Heels said...

i think i might be a bad dawg, i think i wore a dress all 3 times. i was a jeans, black top and flip flop kinda girl =)

Ellie said...

Don't worry - being married is WAY better than being single!!! :-P

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