Monday, December 27, 2010

Most Amazing Christmas ever

Meet my new ride, covered in snow, on the first white Christmas I've had since I was a kid. Yep. It's my new Mini Cooper convertible, with racing stripes.  It's a car I've always wanted and my amazing husband thought it was time I owned one. I'm still in shock that he wanted to give me such a tremendous gift.  When I asked him what possessed him to go over our 100 dollar budget. He said he didn't he bought me floor mats, the rest is just because. That's totally him. He's amazing. I'm so very lucky to be loved so much.
In other Christmas happiness my old ride, my Altima got a new home. My brother got into his first accident ever over Halloween and he needed some new wheels. It was a perfect oportunity to give him a pretty awesome Christmas so we gave it to him. He was so shocked and surprised. It was great.
I found some wonderful gifts for our family and received some amazing gifts myself. This Christmas was pretty astounding. Since I'm still in shock about my amazing Mini. I'll post more about the fun times we had this Christmas, the Polish Pierogi's we made and all the laughter we shared.

I hope everyone had a Happy Christmas.

1 comment:

Becky said...

You are both so blessed and lucky to have each other!