Monday, March 8, 2010

Audio and lights.


I really love watching movies with good surround sound or dancing around my place cleaning with music. Though not everyone has the ability to run wires in their walls or doesn't want too. When I saw these speakers in an issue of Popular Mechanics this weekend I had a very ooo what a great idea moment. These Klipsch speakers would be perfect for a home that had recessed lights but didn't want the  speaker wire and hassle of installing a surround sound, sharing music between rooms and just an easy DIY speaker system. They are not only speakers but lights as well, which makes them even more useful.  They also come with a remote and a base so you can control the volume. So exciting I wish I had a use for them.

1 comment:

suzanne said...

Just wanted to stop by your blog and say hi! My husband would go mad for those speakers btw:)