Wednesday, March 10, 2010


PLiNTH & CHiNTZ :: The Online Interior Design Magazine

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I read this and it reminded me of my college life. OMG I can't believe I did all of those things. When things like Cheetos or wheat thins were my breakfast at 4am. That I spent more time in a design lab working on CAD drafting then in my own bed. It was hard, it was stressful.(I'm surprised I don't have an ulcer.)I did it and I would do it all again.


Eva said...
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k.bell said...

there were also Taco Bell breakfasts at 3:00 am brought by your oh so thoughtful Eric! He was kind of like the studio mascot huh!? hehe

My fave thing from ID school... MEETING EVA!!! oh so sweet to save your marker paper with me! (A complete stranger at the time:)

♥ ya eva!